Thursday, December 7, 2006

Ted Haggard: There but by the grace of God go I.

At a Wednesday night church meeting, as we visited a local church, one of its members came up to us and introduced himself. We talked for a few moments and I mentioned that I lived in Colorado Springs before, working for James Dobson. I mentioned to him that it was too bad what happened with Ted Haggard. I said it was a shame. He agreed and added "There but by the grace of God go I. I mean really, there but by the grace of God go I."

I was startled and immediately ashamed of myself. Somehow I blurted out, "Yeah. That's true." But inwardly I was extremely convicted. I realized that throughout all my thoughts on the situation with Ted Haggard, that phrase was not one of them. It is one of my favorite phrases (though it not be found in the Bible) as I like to use it to keep myself humble. So to realize through this stranger that I did not even think that truth, let alone tell myself it, was very convicting.

May the Lord forgive me for my pride and self-righteousness. Friends reading this, please pray for me, that I would walk humbly before our Lord. Thanks.

P.S. I don't want to excuse my sin at all, but simply want to add that I feel it may be that I have allowed the media to form (or at least taint) my thoughts on the situation. Brethren, we need to beware of letting man taint our views, we ought to always humbly filter news through the lens of the Scriptures.

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