Friday, December 8, 2006

Preaching the gospel in the "government indoctrination center"

Today was a real blessing. I had opportunity to represent AiG in a booth that we had at a local high school. It was a career fair and we were there to introduce AiG as a ministry and tell students about our experience, education, etc. We also gave away free "Answers" books and other literature. But the best part was talking with the kids and sharing the gospel with them. Praise the Lord that many kids were very interested in the Bible, creation, Jesus, etc. It was a tremendous feeling that here we were in the temple of secular humanism giving the gospel to these kids, tearing down strongholds and false thoughts. Praise the Lord! Please pray for the 20 or so kids who I personally interacted with, not to mention the other five AiG staff who were there talking with students also. Pray that God would use His word to convict these young ones of sin, righteousness and judgment. Thanks.

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