Friday, December 8, 2006

Preaching the gospel in the "government indoctrination center"

Today was a real blessing. I had opportunity to represent AiG in a booth that we had at a local high school. It was a career fair and we were there to introduce AiG as a ministry and tell students about our experience, education, etc. We also gave away free "Answers" books and other literature. But the best part was talking with the kids and sharing the gospel with them. Praise the Lord that many kids were very interested in the Bible, creation, Jesus, etc. It was a tremendous feeling that here we were in the temple of secular humanism giving the gospel to these kids, tearing down strongholds and false thoughts. Praise the Lord! Please pray for the 20 or so kids who I personally interacted with, not to mention the other five AiG staff who were there talking with students also. Pray that God would use His word to convict these young ones of sin, righteousness and judgment. Thanks.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Ted Haggard: There but by the grace of God go I.

At a Wednesday night church meeting, as we visited a local church, one of its members came up to us and introduced himself. We talked for a few moments and I mentioned that I lived in Colorado Springs before, working for James Dobson. I mentioned to him that it was too bad what happened with Ted Haggard. I said it was a shame. He agreed and added "There but by the grace of God go I. I mean really, there but by the grace of God go I."

I was startled and immediately ashamed of myself. Somehow I blurted out, "Yeah. That's true." But inwardly I was extremely convicted. I realized that throughout all my thoughts on the situation with Ted Haggard, that phrase was not one of them. It is one of my favorite phrases (though it not be found in the Bible) as I like to use it to keep myself humble. So to realize through this stranger that I did not even think that truth, let alone tell myself it, was very convicting.

May the Lord forgive me for my pride and self-righteousness. Friends reading this, please pray for me, that I would walk humbly before our Lord. Thanks.

P.S. I don't want to excuse my sin at all, but simply want to add that I feel it may be that I have allowed the media to form (or at least taint) my thoughts on the situation. Brethren, we need to beware of letting man taint our views, we ought to always humbly filter news through the lens of the Scriptures.

Euthanasia and 'quality of life' questions

Yesterday, I had a good conversation with a friend about euthanasia and 'quality of life' arguments. Praise the Lord that my friend was challenged in his thinking to base all our decisions and conclusions on Scripture, not merely what we may feel is right or pragmatics.

One thought that he had was that witholding medicine or technology from an elderly person who had a high percentage of dying within days would be acceptable, but witholding similar drugs/technology from a younger person in good health was not acceptable. The problem was that he had not biblical basis for making that distinction.

In my view, which I try as much as possible to base on Bible principles, precepts and examples is that we should try to save life and extend life as much as possible because God is the One who gives and takes away life. In other words, we ought to do all that we can to save and extend someone's life whether they are 50 or 99 years old. One big reason is because we don't KNOW whether someone will die in a few days. God is sovereign and able to work miracles of healing. We ought to be basing our decisions on biblical principles and not pragmatic percentages. Someone may have a 99% likelihood of dying within a week whether we treat them or not, but that should not mean that we withold life saving/extending drugs/technology because we don't KNOW for sure that they will die 'anyway', only God knows.

An analogy that came to my mind later is that of abortion. Christians abhor killing babies because God abhors it. Whether the baby is in the first trimester or last trimester makes no difference, because life starts at the point of conception. Once life is there, we ought not to take it away. In the same way, withholding drugs/technology from someone whether they are 40 or 99 years old is wrong because life is still there. We may think that the 99 year old only has weeks to live based on historical data and percentages of his condition, but we cannot know that, only God does. Therefore we should always seek to save and extend life as much as is possible.

Pray for me and my friend, that we would have continued biblical discussions on this topic as well as others.


Monday, November 27, 2006

A day in the park with Mohammed

Yesterday, after meeting with the church, some of the children and a few adults went to "the park" (really a government indoctrination center aka 'public school') to play. After a few minutes, a man came up with his two daughters (5 and 7). We struck up a conversation and it turned out his children went to this school. He asked about all of our children and we told him we all homeschooled, from 5 years old to high school. He was very interested in why and so we told him it was to train them up in the Lord. He then told us he was a religious man as well, a muslim, and that he agreed with our strong convictions that parents are held responsible for their children.

Please pray for his soul. Pray that God would use the truths presented to convict him of sin, righteousness and judgment.